I believe when we support adults and children amazing things are possible.

My mission behind my children’s books is to Ensures Every Child knows they are Enough. Trusts themselves. Looks within for their answers. Honors their differences. We want to Inspire Confidence and Courage in playful, fun and engaging ways.

My Friendly Giant

BOOK We all have a Limitless Giant living inside us. Our giant is our best friend and our biggest fan! He encourages us to believe in ourselves, trust our inner voice, and strive to reach our full potential in life. When we are down, our Limitless Giant helps lift us up. He lets us know we are loved.

Along the Cliff Walk

BOOK Our Limitless Giant reminds us to stay present to our surroundings. Nature is the playground that entices all our senses as we see, feel, hear, smell and play in it! On our journey, we discover how amazing and beautiful our world is. We see that all the beauty in nature is also within us and all that is possible within it.

I Am Always With You

BOOK “I Am Always With You reminds all of us that while we sometimes lose loved ones too soon. They remain with us always to love, comfort, encourage and celebrate all that we continue to become.” ~Lauri Rubinstein.

Lauri had a wonderful friend Naomi who died of cancer in 2007, leaving a three-year-old daughter, Jesse. The thought of Naomi’s daughter growing up and reaching so many important moments in life without her mother inspired Lauri to write I Am Always With You. With this work, Lauri hopes to comfort and assist children who have lost a loved one.