Are You Ready to Manifest What You Want?

by | Oct 23, 2017 | Mindset | 0 comments

“You can only be the perfection from which you come.” These were the words I heard several years ago sitting on a deserted beach in Oregon. No one was around, but I heard these words clearly.

I had been watching the ocean and tide go in and out. The water crashing amongst the huge monoliths soaking in all the beauty that was around me. Right before I heard these words, I thought how amazing God was and the perfection of all around me. The words, “You can only be the perfection from which you come,” were an answer to a question, along with the doubt and fear that I had been struggling with.

I had completed a successful 20-year career in Direct Sales and started a new coaching business. I was so excited to embark on this new journey. I had spent 2 years back in school getting my PCC coaching certification through the ICF and had built up my personal one-on-one practice with a couple of successful workshops thrown in. I was picking up my speaking business and moving into the next level of growth when I came up against a huge amount of resistance. I was in a whirl of self-doubt, fear, and questioning whether I had what it took to really be successful and have an impact. I didn’t want to have a little impact. I wanted to have a huge impact.

You may be at that place right now in your business. You may have had some success and now you are ready to grow your business even more, increase your income and impact. Moving to the next level is usually out of your comfort zone and most likely something you have never done before. When we walk into this space “Boom” – resistance pops up, along with self-doubt, and fear. Your limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns are saying hello.

Even if you have a clear vision of what you want to create, the life you want to have, and what you want to do with the increased income, it may not be enough.

The resistance is blocking or at best slowing down the manifestation process for you. In order to manifest what you want in your life and your business, you must become it first, and clear the path from resistance.

My last blog, “Feel Your Way to Success,” gives you a few steps to recognize when you are up against a subconscious pattern or limiting belief, and what to do to begin to release the blocked energy to create some freedom around moving forward.

This is your first step, but then you will want to replace beliefs or patterns that are no longer serving you with new ones that will serve you better. This can be an extremely empowering process if you are willing to do the work. This inner work can be messy, scary, and hard; the work requires you to look inside, face your fear, love yourself, and forgive yourself.

This work requires you to remember and accept your own perfection. There is nothing wrong with you. You have everything you need to manifest everything you want. You are the perfection from which you come. Period!

Sometimes, it’s easier to remember all the things you think you aren’t.

Marianne Williamson said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”

When you are ready to step into this and let go of resistance by creating empowering patterns and beliefs that fill you with love, compassion, and a desire to serve, you open up the flow of energy to manifest your dreams.

The key to manifesting what you want is imprinting new beliefs and patterns.

You must first become the person you need to be to manifest what you want to have. You want to clear the resistance, and then you will manifest what you want on the physical plane.

Once you have identified where you hold the pattern in your body, you know where the stuck energy is. If you haven’t read “Feel Your Way to Success,” go back and read that blog first.

Then you are ready to create a new pattern and belief that will empower and serve you.

Here are a few next steps to take to imprint a new pattern:

  1. Find a past or future event that causes the physical sensation to appear. This is your subconscious pattern saying, “I’m here; are you ready to let me go”. Thank the pattern for serving you so well in the past but now you are complete and ready to move on. Remember, there is nothing wrong. All of your patterns served you at some point.
  2. Find a quiet place and visualize the event future or past that caused resistance. This may be picking up the phone, asking someone to work with you, talking to someone about your business, going to a networking event etc. Visualize you in the event with as many of your senses as you can.
  3. Once you’re in your visualization, picture the event turning out like you want it to turn out. Change the result if you are in a past event or pick the result you want in a future event. Really feel your way into what you want it to be like. Someone totally excited to hear from you when you call, someone saying yes they want to work with you and why they are so excited to get started, going to a networking event and having people approach you and wanting to hear about what you are up to etc. Have fun with this and really tap into your imagination.
  4. Create an empowering mantra. Find a powerful statement to repeat that reinforces the new belief and pattern of behavior that ties into the result you want. When I discovered my limiting belief and subconscious pattern around speaking out, “it was dangerous to speak out”, I created a new belief, “when I speak out I empower and impact people”. Every time I felt that feeling in my throat I allowed the feeling to be there, visualized my intention of how I wanted it to turn out, and then I would repeat my mantra. I soon began feeling excitement instead of fear when I got up to speak.

Following these 8 steps (4 from “Feel Your Way to Success”) and 4 from this blog you will be releasing blocked energy, feeling more freedom, letting go of beliefs and patterns that are no longer serving you, and creating empowering new beliefs and patterns that will serve you and clear the path to manifest what you want for your business and life.

You’ve got this!

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Lauri Rubinstein’s mission is to guide people to wake up to their freedom, sovereignty, and wholeness.  So each person can stand brightly in their light and gifts to impact and co-create our next evolution.

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