I’m really excited to share this weeks IOS – Insight from the Other Side with you and why surrender is so important right now. Before we dive in I wanted to let you know there are still a few 1-1 Intuitive Sessions available for March – Click here to schedule..
Now, back to this week’s insight:
“Oh dear one, how lost you can get when you are in your head. The thoughts that go round and round create worry and fear. This is not the path of your Soul. This is the path of Ego – not wanting to let go and surrender.
Surrender does not mean defeat. Surrender is the place you connect into your heart and connect with your soul. Trusting the divine has you, and all is in order. Releasing control and letting go of limitation to allow something so much greater than you can imagine to show up.
We are in a time of change and rebirth. We are all in this together. Don’t limit what is possible for you in this rebirth by getting into your head and thinking. This is such a limited viewpoint.
Let your heart soar, letting in the light and daring to walk into your passion, your purpose, surrendering to something so much greater than you can imagine.
Leave room for the miracles. Stay connected to your passion and what brings you joy and lights you up. This will keep you out of the chaos of change.
Your heart knows the way.”
In this week’s insight, we are reminded that we are not alone. Surrendering liberates us. It liberates us to our Sovereignty, Freedom, and Wholeness. So many of us are doubling down in uncertainty, trying to remain in control, which only spins us out.
There is a divine order to everything. Just sit in nature and look around. Listen to the forests and the oceans. Look at the beauty all around us.
As I sit in my office, looking out the window at these huge snowflakes coming down—each one so beautifully unique—I know and trust. It’s just a matter of looking for the beauty around us, sitting in a place of love that brings us into our hearts.
Surrender is peace.
Is surrender easy? No! It’s hard to let go. We are taught from a very early age to think from the head and take control.
Surrendering is a feeling. We feel into it.
Most of us were also taught to turn off our emotions. We’ve heard things like “Only babies cry,” “Stop crying,” “I’ll give you something to cry about,” and “Stop being so hysterical.” We learned to discount our emotions and suck it up.
But our emotions are our navigation system. Our bodies will never lie to us, but our heads will.
Our heads will limit us in what we can accomplish, what we can have, how big we can be, how seen we can be, and how much light we can express.
Surrender brings us peace. Sitting in the heart brings more compassion, empathy, and love—things we all really need right now.
I encourage you to take a moment every day and close your eyes, take a deep breath into your heart, and slowly exhale. Allow yourself to sit there in your heart, even if it’s only for 30 seconds, and feel. Feel the love and peace.
We are so much better at holding the bad. My question to you is: how much good are you willing to let into your life and experience?
If you would like to receive more personal guidance on what is needed for you to move forward on your path please click here to schedule your 1:1 session.