I remember the first time I heard the word acquiescing. I mean, I really heard the word. It felt like I got punched in the solar plexus.
The realization that I had been acquiescing most of my life seemed absolutely wrong. I’m independent, hate being told what to do, am highly unemployable, and successful. I have worked for myself since I was 24 and have created a great life. How could I be acquiescing?
To answer this question, I had to look it up to make sure I really understood the meaning of the word. It’s not one you hear every day.
The definition of Acquiescing: Accept something reluctantly but without protest – short and simple.
I could feel the sinking feeling. Yep, this was a pattern in my life.
After reading this, you may also have a sinking feeling that it rings and feels true for you.
Here’s the deal with this. It’s not your fault.
In our patriarchal culture, women are taught not to trust themselves, their voice, or their power.
If you had a lot of chutzpah growing up and were a bit fierce, you probably got into a lot of trouble. You were also probably pretty intuitive, naturally.
Getting in trouble for what you wanted, said and did would have taught you to begin to second-guess yourself and create patterns and beliefs around this to keep you safe and out of trouble, to fly under the radar.
Which probably served you pretty well when you were younger. Adults didn’t really like being talked back to, especially if you had a point that hit home. You learned not to rock the boat!
Over time, this stopped serving you.
It stopped serving you in getting your work out into the world. It made you doubt yourself, created resistance and frustration, and made it hard to trust yourself or what you could actually do.
Acquiescing is a sneaky thing. You probably never even thought about it or knew you were doing it. I certainly didn’t.
Here’s the deal: if you don’t handle this piece, it is almost impossible to fully step into your power, your voice, and your calling (purpose).
If you own a business it’s keeping you from having critical conversations, you’re being taken advantage of, you are not making the money or profit you could be, and your Martyr has come out to play.
My guess is you are feeling this pressure right now.
It’s time to stop negotiating who you are and commit to yourself. I heard Brene Brown recently say, “Be true to yourself.” Yes, that! It’s time to rock the boat and allow that beautiful little girl with all that chutzpah to come back out to play.
Is this hard? Yep. Is it worth it? Yep!
Once you realize you are acquiescing, it’s a huge part of it. Then, it takes awareness. Once you start seeing it, you can’t unsee it.
Yes, when you begin to stop acquiescing and stay true and committed to yourself and what you are trying to create, it will rock the boat in some of your relationships.
Here’s the bright spot: in my experience, the people who really love you have been waiting for you to step into this. They want you to use your voice, be in your power, and move towards what is calling you.
You will find them to be more supportive and realize that you have more support then you even imagined you would have.
You will feel more freedom to use your voice, stand in your power, and tap back into your intuition.
I would love to hear from you. Does this resonate with you? How do you feel about this?
When do you catch yourself doing it? And, finally what would you like to know about this that would support you?