Have you tapped into your support on the other side?

by | Nov 1, 2023 | Lifestyle, Mindset | 0 comments

Are you harnessing all the support you have around you?  

You have more support all around than you may know.  

My guess is you are feeling the support.  You feel the taps on your shoulder, the pull towards something new you feel in your body, and the coincidences that are happening. An idea, a person showing up at just the right time, etc.

This is the support that you have on the other side trying to get your attention.

We all play with this a little.  Usually, people tell me they play with always having a parking spot where they are going. They have good parking karma.

This is a sign of the support you have around you. 

If you have found this and are reading this, it may be time for you to get in touch with the support you have on the other side. 

We all have guides, angels, and loved ones who have crossed over and are there supporting us from the other side. 

The key is you have to invite them in.  

We all have free will, and this is really important.  We have a choice. 

When we take responsibility for our choices we are in our power.  

This is why we have to invite them in.  We have to be in choice.  Spirit can not interfere with our free will.

You can invite them in.  Invite them in to support you.

They speak through your heart. You’ll feel them.

If it’s coming through spirit, it will feel good. It will feel loving. 

Right now, we are in a pivotal time.  A time that we all chose to be here right now.

You have something to offer.  To bring in, and my guess is you are starting to feel the pull, or have been feeling the pull, the call for a while now and may not have known what to do with it.

It’s time to choose. 

It’s time to choose the life you want to live and the relationships you want to have.  To own your power and have the impact you came here to have. 

To tap into not only your personal support of your inner circle, friends, and family but also the support you have on the other side.  

This support has always been with you and is probably nudging you pretty hard right now. 

Asking you to trust, to get into alignment, to choose love instead of fear. 

Trust your God-given gifts and step into your power by owning these gifts.

To drop into your heart and listen.  Listen to the calling of your soul.  

It’s no accident you landed here right now and are still reading this.

Every morning, I call in my team to guide and support me in the highest and best for myself and those that I am here to serve. 

I call in my team to write.  Asking what is most important for me to express right now. 

Your guides, angels, and loved ones who have crossed over are an important part of your support team.  

When you chose to come here and be here at this time, you did not come here alone.

Have fun with this.  Play.  The other side can have quite a sense of humor. 

Be open and trust.  Trust your intuition. 

Guidance can come in many different ways.  

Stay curious!

Lauri Rubinstein’s mission is to guide people to wake up to their freedom, sovereignty, and wholeness.  So each person can stand brightly in their light and gifts to impact and co-create our next evolution.

Stay Inspired.

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