Is Your Heart Calling?

by | Oct 25, 2023 | Mindset | 0 comments

Can you feel the urgency?  The pull towards something?

Many of us are feeling this right now.  It can feel a bit unsettled.  

There are many things our hearts are calling us to right now.  Can you hear her whisper?

It’s getting louder as you feel the urgency increasing.  

Your heart is calling you to call back the parts of yourself that you may have given away by giving away your power.  

It’s time.

It’s time to call back your power.  To call back the beautiful heart-centered place we are born into. 

Calling back our sacred power of the heart. 

Calling back the parts of yourself that are ready to come back.  

The beautiful gifts you were born with that may have gotten you in a lot of trouble when you were younger.  The ones you may not even know are there because they come so easily to you they didn’t seem that important, or you felt everyone else could do it too.

These gifts are needed now. 

My intuitive access and abilities to see subconscious patterns and energy constructs that are no longer serving people, and my not-so-subtle mouth as a child got me into a lot of trouble.  

Adults didn’t appreciate my direct way of telling them what was up for them. The truthtelling I do today didn’t go over so well as a child.  

This caused me to hide it and eventually block it.  It took me a long time and a couple of 2 x 4 moments to be able to see this as a gift and call back that part of me. To then step into my power with my gifts. 

I had to listen to the calling of my heart. I have to continue to listen to the calling of my heart. 

You may be in a place right now that feels unsettled, and unfulfilled in some ways. This is your heart asking you to feel. To get out of your head and feel.  

To call back to yourself the power of your voice, the power of impact that you can have now with the life experiences you have had.  To share your voice, your work, your life.

To call back to yourself the loud, big, bold, courageous parts of yourself that were heart centered.  That set you apart.  That got lost somewhere along the line of your achievements and checking off all the boxes.

Doing this got you to where you are right now.  This place where you can choose to drop down from your head into your heart and turn all the amazing parts of you into an impact for your family, your children, your business, your future work, in service to others, and your life. 

Call back the tender parts of you that were hurt and put away for safekeeping until you were ready to hear the call of your heart telling you it’s time to bring those pieces back. To heal.

It’s time to call back your Sacred Power.  The Power of Your Heart.

Your heart is also calling you into your future.  Your next chapter. 

To create greater fulfillment and impact in serving others with your gifts.  To own the power of your gifts and the influence and impact, they can have in the lives of others. 

My father is an amazing artist.  His God-given talent.  

It was put aside for many years to support and raise his family.  To provide for his children and give all of us opportunities he didn’t have.  Throughout his career, he helped countless small, medium, and large businesses get their work out into the world.

He even helped get the funding for one of the first bars in Lodo in Denver when no other bank would finance them .  I met my husband at that bar (story for a different time). What if that bar never got built??

Several years ago, I wrote a book, “I Am Always with You”, which is a book for children who have lost a loved one.  I needed an illustrator for the book.  I wanted the book to be illustrated in watercolor paintings.

I asked my father to do the paintings.  

He accepted.  His heart was calling him back to his art with a little nudge from me.  

In creating the beautiful paintings for the book, he had to choose to get out of his head and drop into his heart. To call back the pieces of himself that had been stored away in safe keeping.

This isn’t always an easy process and wasn’t easy for him, and the results are stunning. 

There hasn’t been anyone I’ve seen pick up the book and read it and not cry.  You can feel his heart in the art and my heart in the words.  It’s such a beautiful legacy to leave that will touch generations.

This is what your heart is calling you into.  Into your next chapter.  Into a world that really needs your gifts. Gifts that only you can bring into the world.  To step into the Sacred Power of your heart. 

Guiding people to this place is my gift.  To free the patterns and beliefs that don’t serve you, to heal your inner child, to call back the pieces of yourself that are ready to return, and Own Your Power.  Your Sacred Heart Power. 

I have guided hundreds of women to this place, and it all starts with listening.  To listen when your heart begins to call to you.  Be curious. There’s a reason and something more for you to do and be.

Are you ready to answer the call of your heart?


Lauri Rubinstein’s mission is to guide people to wake up to their freedom, sovereignty, and wholeness.  So each person can stand brightly in their light and gifts to impact and co-create our next evolution.

Stay Inspired.

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