Here we are with our 7th and final Law in the series Creating Abundance. Our 7th law is the Law of Gender. This law governs all creation. This Law is one I have struggled with the most. It tests your patience and your ability to trust. This law when really harnessed, is one that can really support your ability to remain in alignment. Let’s review the prior 6 laws.In this 7-blog series, I have been going over one law with each blog. We are now on the last blog. I want to make sure you haven’t missed a law and that you have easy access to them if you did miss one. Let’s review: The first Law we talked about is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – energy is always flowing in and out of form. All there is, is change. In that blog, I talked about learning to adapt and flow with change.
The second Law we talked about is the Law of Vibration – like vibrations attract one another. The Law of Attraction is a subset of this law. In this blog I talked about your thoughts and how they impact your ability to create abundance.
The third law is the Law of Relativity – all that exists, only exists through relationship or comparison to something else. In that blog, I explored shifting your perspective and using this law in order to support yourself in creating abundance.
The fourth law, is the Law of Polarity – everything has an opposite. I talked about the gifts in your challenges and experiences, and how the Law of Polarity can help you move forward and remain in the flow of abundance.
The fifth law is the Law of Rhythm – there is a rhythm and flow to everything. Understanding the Law of Rhythm and playing within that rhythm is a very important skill to creating abundance.
The sixth law is the Law of Cause and Effect – for every effect there is something that caused it. In this blog, you learn why it’s so important to identify the cause.
Now on to the 7th law, the Law of Gender. This law states that in order for something to exist, it must have unity with male and female, Ying and Yang, positive and negative and so forth. For example, males could not exist without females and vice versa. Plants and trees could not exist without their respective seeds. This law also states that everything has its own gestational period for growth. We know that a baby takes nine months to fully develop. We also know how long it takes plants and trees to sprout.
There is also a gestational period for your goals and dreams. Ah, here is the rub – we don’t know how long it takes for your goal and dreams to gestate. This is where faith, belief, and trust come in. When you are creating abundance and manifesting your goals and dreams, you can set a timeline. However, it rarely happens on the timeline you set. This is because there is more to it.
“Everything is gestation and then birthing.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Have you ever had a dream or goal that you were really working toward and doing everything you knew to do? You visualized it, lived it, worked toward it, and it still didn’t happen. The frustration and disappointment you felt, only to realize a few months or years down the road, that it may have been the best thing for you not to have achieved your dream or goal. This is where the Law of Gender comes in, particularly the gestational period.
Because we don’t know how long the gestational period is in creating the abundance we want will take, it’s important to trust and have faith. Belief that you are fully supported and the timing will be perfect. Or alternatively that there is something bigger and better for you than what you had first thought.
This is often the difficult part. You not only have to trust and have faith, but you will need patience. Yes, I said it “Patience”. It’s a word I particularly don’t have much of, as I bet you can also relate. Here’s the deal…
When you hold your vision of the abundance you want to create, you stay in flow and alignment with your thoughts and actions. You allow your vision to have space and flexibility. This can then speed up the gestational period. The more aligned and in flow you are, the faster you can create abundance.
What happens, is that you are in alignment and flow. Then something happens and doubt creeps in. Or, someone or something triggers you, pulling you out of alignment. You step out of flow and slow down the gestational process. Or you start to get impatient and your belief wanes a bit also taking you out of alignment. This results in slowing down your gestational period.
Sometimes, the gestational period is longer because there is something that has to come first. It may be something you need to learn or a situation that needs to happen first. The thing is, we don’t know how long the gestational period will be. It is only in hindsight that we can look back and really identify what happened in the process.
You may also be putting in too many limitations, by being too specific about what you are creating. More times than not, I have found that the outcome or result that I wanted to manifest looks very different then I thought it would.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
- Don’t be too specific. When you are envisioning your dreams, goals, or intentions, leave room for the unexpected. By being too specific, you may be limiting what you could be manifesting and creating in your life. Leave room for the magic to happen.
- Focus on the What and the Why. Really identify what you want and why you want it. Don’t worry about the how. The how will show up. The minute you get caught up in how it’s going to happen, you step out of alignment and slow down the gestational period.
- Trust. Trust that the abundance you are creating is coming. Know that what you are creating will come to pass, or will result in something better! We don’t know how long the gestational period will be, but the more you can sit in trust the shorter it will be. You don’t know how much has to come together with people, circumstances and learning that has to be in place for you to manifest what you want. Center, ground, stay calm, and trust, it’s on its way.
The more you play in and harness this law, the easier it will be to stay in alignment and create the abundance you want!