Our Stories are Self-fulfilling Prophecy

by | Sep 24, 2018 | Mindset | 0 comments

Our families, circumstances, relationships, and internal dialogue shape the stories we begin telling ourselves from a very young age. Think about it, how often have you told yourself something about whether you were capable of doing something or not? Whether these stories are positive or negative, they begin to shape your life and continue to shape your life as long as you are telling the same stories.

I find that most of us tend to get wrapped up in stories that are more negative than positive. Have you ever had to list all your positive traits and then list your negative traits? It’s usually easier for most to list their negative traits based on stories they have been telling themselves from a very young age.

When I was involved with Mary Kay Cosmetics, Mary Kay reminded us often that “What you think about you bring about”.

I encourage you to really think about this. Stop for a minute and think about where you are right now. How happy are you? How much joy do you have in your life? How fulfilling are your relationships? How successful do you feel your business is? How easy is it for you to take time for you? How much play do you bring into your life?

When you think about these questions, you may be able to answer positively to a few and then some may not be so positive. Why is that? Usually, it has something to do with the stories you are telling yourself over and over. These stories may have slightly different versions but ultimately, they are the same story.

If you can change the stories you tell yourself so they align with the life and business you want to create, then you can begin to choose your life.

I will go so far as to say it is your responsibility to choose your life. But in order to do that, you have to change the stories you tell yourself. Starting with the story that you and only you have the power to choose your life. You always have a choice.

Part of changing your stories is to own YOUR worthiness. You, my friend, are absolutely totally worthy because you were born and are here – period. You would never look at a tiny beautiful newborn baby and say to them “oh, but you are just not worthy to be here”. Each of us is here because we are worthy.

Somewhere along the line, the stories you develop and continue telling yourself that are not positive begin to eat away at your ability to feel worthy.

Here’s the good thing: all you have to do to stop the madness that is your internal dialogue is to change the story. Yes, it’s that simple but not always easy.

Here are a few things to begin to support you in changing your story and fully stepping into how worthy you are:

  1. Choose you as your #1 priority. Yes, I said it! First not last. First not second or third. FIRST.
  2. Practice not only selfcare but Radical Selfcare. Selfcare takes care of the body. It’s eating right, exercising, meditating etc. The things you do to take care of the beautiful vessel you have been given. Radical Selfcare feeds the Soul. It’s the place of bringing Joyful Play into your life. It’s energizing, revitalizing, and inspiring. When you bring these elements into your life as a priority, you are choosing you. You are telling your subconscious you are worthy and important. This begins to increase your feelings of worthiness. If this is something you have no idea where to start, then download my free Playbook which will help you get started in figuring out what that is for you.
  3. Find your inner circle. Your inner circle may only have 1 or 2 people in it or it may be much larger than that. Your inner circle is people who really believe in you. They are the ones who are there to celebrate, play, and cry with you. They are your 2:00 a.m. people. Knowing that if you need them, they will be there no matter what time. You may already have an amazing inner circle and if you do, awesome! Nurture those relationships. But, if you are anything like I was the first time I looked at this, I didn’t have an inner circle at all. If this is the case for you, look around you a little more. They may be there, but it just may take you reaching out to them. Yes, this will feel vulnerable. It is in our vulnerability that we connect with each other. Take the risk. It will pay off ten-fold!
  4. Serve in your life and serve in your business. Sometimes we focus on having to sell, but the reality is that sales come when you are coming from a place of service. Serving will benefit not only the people in your life and your business, it will also feel so good!
  5. Yep, you want to complete the flow of give and receive. You may find it hard to receive. If you never receive, then you take away an opportunity for someone to serve you. Don’t hog up all the serving :). Being able to gracefully receive and ask for support is a power boost to your self-worth.

The more you honor yourself and own your worthiness, your stories will almost automatically begin to shift into alignment to the life, business, and impact you want to have.

If our stories are self-fulfilling prophecies, then let’s create great ones. 🙂

Lauri Rubinstein’s mission is to guide people to wake up to their freedom, sovereignty, and wholeness.  So each person can stand brightly in their light and gifts to impact and co-create our next evolution.

Stay Inspired.

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