Can we talk about Joy and Joyful Play?

Mindset, Success

I hear Joy being thrown around alot, but it also seems to be this elusive thing. Just look at all the books on creating Joy.

I believe this can be an elusive concept, because Joy is such a personal thing.

It’s not tangible, it’s a feeling. Which makes it even harder because as you grow up, start a businesses or career, there is a tendency to get into your head and disassociate from how you feel.

Joy is personal. There is no right or wrong. It’s yours to discover. Because of this, it makes it tricky and messy. You may not have found it yet because it’s a commitment to the journey. The journey of moving through what needs to be moved through consciously, unconsciously, and emotionally. It’s a journey of curiosity. Of being open to try new things. Leaving behind expectations of what it is “supposed” to look like or feel like.

Joy can be found in any moment. Some are harder than others but it is there.


It can be found in a simple cup of tea on your back deck. It can be found in surprising new activities, people, places, etc. It can be found in just getting still. Then, if you feel joyful and it is filling you up, energizing you, then guess what… you just stepped into JOYFUL PLAY.

We just got back from two wonderful weeks in Big Sur and Carmel California. We took the Airstream with the kiddos. Pure joy. Our campsite in Big Sur was overlooking the ocean and rugged shore line. Spectacularly beautiful!

We were in Big Sur for 4 days with zero reception or WIFI. Totally unplugged (until we went back into cell service and the dinging started).  We hiked and looked for Jade on some of the beaches. It was a lot of fun.

Although one of the most joyous days for me which was my kind of Joyful Play was when I opted out of a hike to stay at the campsite and enjoy the view, sit in the sun and read my book. The stillness, quiet, and beauty of just being for several hours filled me up.

Joy doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to feel good to you.

As we are about to celebrate the 4th of July, I remember our fore fathers. The grit, commitment, and relentless passion to have the freedoms we experience today. Along with all the men and women who continue to help keep these freedoms in place. As you celebrate with family and friends, let yourself be free to experience the JOY and hopefully some JOYFUL PLAY.

My Joyful Project

The other joyful project I’ve been working on with an amazing team of people is a brand-new website. A website that feels like me. That honors who I am and has allowed me to fully express myself.

This project was sometimes tough because it was a journey for me to really share and express myself. A journey to walk through the feeling of being exposed and vulnerable. Even though the journey was uncomfortable, there was a sense of joy the entire time. New discoveries and boldness to step out from behind the curtain so to speak.

I am so excited about this website and want to invite you to check it out and let me know what you think!

I’ve also included a new free tool that will help you along your journey of Radical Self Care, Joyful Play and Success

I want to share just a few things to do in your journey to joy:

  1. Pay attention. Joy can sneak up on you and be found in the most surprising places.
  2. Be intentional.  Set the intention to be in joy.
  3. Catch it. By paying attention and being intentional you will run into joy. Sometimes subtle and delicate like a whisper, loud and boisterous, warm and gentle. Catch it and begin to see how you feel joy.

Would love to hear about your journey of Joy and Joyful Play or any questions or challenges you may be having around it. Just comment below and let’s start the conversation☺.

Also, don’t forget to check out: