Patience, Mindfulness and What it Means for Your Business

by | Aug 28, 2017 | Mindset | 0 comments

In a world that is moving at a break-neck speed, it is even more important to fine-tune the ability to have patience and mindfulness in your business.

At this point, this is definitely the path less taken. But, there are more and more entrepreneurs taking this path.

Patience is required to truly do something great.

To put out a great product, support your clients, and customers with great customer service, and offer a great life- changing service all take patience.

In business, when you are putting something new out into the market, launching a new product or service, it takes patience to create something amazing that your tribe really wants and sees value in. It takes a series of small experiments to make sure the assumptions you are making are right, it takes research and talking to your tribe to see what they are really looking for, what they see as the best value they get from you, and what they want to learn more of from you.

It takes patience when you are offering your product, service, or opportunity. To really meet someone where they are. To actively listen and get what is important to the person you are talking to, so they feel heard. To listen and understand what is most important and of value to him or her.

It can be hard to not rush the offer, but timing is everything. Having the patience to really tap into what timing is best for each new person you’re talking to will reap huge benefits.

Having patience with yourself in your business is extremely important. You may not hit it out of the park all the time. Mistakes will be made, assumptions you make will be wrong, people will tell you no. This is all part of business, and no one escapes it. This is how you learn, how you grow, and how you become a master at what you do. Having the patience to really look at what went well, what didn’t go well, and ask yourself what you want to tweak and do better with next time, will move you to the next level in your business.

Patience isn’t a virtue that comes easily to me and might not come easily to you. But patience is worth nurturing and developing.

Your ability to practice mindfulness in your business and daily life is also incredibly important.

With smart phones that rarely leave our side, social media, and the other dozen or so things that are vying for our attention every minute of the day, it’s easy to get lost in the past, future, or in your own stories.

Bringing yourself into the present moment and being with the people around you and with what you are creating in your business is vital.

Intention is everything.

Getting present and really clear on your intention for your business, your product, and services each day, can dramatically impact your results. Even if you’re saying all the right things and you have the right product or service, if your intention isn’t clear, people can feel that. I’m sure you can think of a situation where someone was saying all the right things to you and had a product or service you wanted, and even though you just couldn’t put a finger on it, something didn’t feel right.

Having a mindfulness practice to start your day, setting the intention for the day, getting present, and connecting to your personal guidance system will assist you in getting into alignment with what you want for your business and your life.

It’s amazing how when you sit in the present moment, the feelings of anxiety, fear, and overwhelm dissipate.

It’s when we forecast into the future or look back to the past that we bring in these emotions and trigger our subconscious patterns, limiting beliefs, and fears.

“Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing.”

~Wayne Dyer

Bringing mindfulness into your business means your focus is on the person in front of you. You choose to do the right thing for clients and customers knowing that it will come back to you. You choose clients that are a right fit that you know you can support and make a difference for them. You do the right thing for your customers making sure they get exactly what they want and need.

Bringing mindfulness into your business allows you to connect with your tribe, build relationships, trust, and loyalty. When you do this, you’ll have a stream of word-of-mouth advertising that is far more powerful than any you can pay for.

When you practice mindfulness, you are calmer, more loving, more responsive, and less reactive. You bring more of yourself into your business. Not to mention all of the health benefits.

Mindfulness also helps you connect to your own perfection, your authenticity, your vulnerability, and your humanity. This, in turn, helps people connect to you because they can feel the openness in your presence.

You have something amazing to offer the world. You know you can make a difference. Don’t get in your head and let fear stop you. Be patient with yourself, your tribe, and your business. Be mindful in setting your intentions, working with your tribe, creating your products and services.

The world needs what you have to offer!

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Lauri Rubinstein’s mission is to guide people to wake up to their freedom, sovereignty, and wholeness.  So each person can stand brightly in their light and gifts to impact and co-create our next evolution.

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