Getting New Clients
One Thing That Can Help You Find New Customers With Ease
Do you ever feel like you are swimming upstream, trying to attract and connect with new customers? Wouldn’t it be easier for you to swim downstream, and meet them all in the pool? Over the last 27 years, I’ve worked in sales. I spent 20 years in direct sales and the...
Do You Compare Yourself to Others & Not Ask for Their Business?
When You Compare Yourself To Others ... If we have a product, service, or opportunity to offer, we can often psych ourselves out by predetermining whether someone will want what we have to offer. You know the self-talk. I don’t want to be pushy, what are they going...
Conquer Phone Call Resistance and Add New Clients
The fastest way to add new clients. You know the fastest way to add new clients, customers, and team members to your business is to pick up the phone and follow-up but for some reason this always falls to the bottom of your to do list. Why is that? You may be setting...