What is your anger showing you?


I was standing in front of the mirror, and I felt all this anger come up for me.  I was frustrated, angry, and just wanted to rage.  I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs.  

Why was I feeling so angry?

I didn’t know why.  As I looked at myself in the mirror, I began talking about all the things I was angry about.  I was having a conversation with myself.  It was a bit surreal.  It felt different.  I got a lot out and was still feeling angry.

I allowed myself to just feel into the anger.  To allow the anger to process through.

I stayed curious about it.

I had to get to my office because I had a client. So, I put a pin in it and decided to continue to look at this later. 

I did ask myself if this anger was mine.  I wasn’t sure it was.

When my client (we’ll call her Sarah) and I started talking, she revealed that she had injured herself, and it was holding her back from being able to keep all her outdoor activities going.

Sarah is extremely active and full of energy.  She was angry that this injury was getting in the way of what she wanted to do.  

She was upset about having to slow down.

I asked Sarah, “What are you running from?”

She looked up at me, and her anger came to the surface.  Everything she had been dealing with, past, present, and future.  

She was running from opening up to herself.

It was easier to be angry than to open up to herself.

As we moved through our session together, we discovered that the anger was allowing her to shield her heart. Protect herself.

We started to look at the core of this. 

Sarah began opening up to the anger and where it was coming from, the subconscious patterns that were ready to release and heal.

The anger she held from childhood, teens, adulthood, and all the disappointments. 

The pattern quickly cleared, and then it was time to heal.

Sarah tapped into her inner child.  I guided her through a conversation with her inner child.  

Gently and powerfully loving the child that had spent so many years protecting her.  Healing that piece of her inner child with so much love. Honoring how her inner child had protected  her all these years, and now it was her turn to protect.  

The anger completely left Sarah. She felt so much love. She had more space and felt peace.

It was an amazing session, and we both learned so much about anger itself.  I now knew why I was feeling so much anger earlier that morning.

Spirit was guiding us to see the power in our anger that is showing up.

We are at a time when we are being asked to move more fully into our heart space. 

To clear and heal what is no longer serving us.

To love more and trust ourselves more.

The anger and frustration that is coming up for you is an opportunity.

Ask yourself, what is this trying to show me?  

Your anger and frustration is trying to show you something that is not serving you.

When you are willing to ask this question without judgment and listen for the answer, it allows the shield to begin to come off the heart.  You are able to move into more heart energy.

You have more freedom and space to move out of old patterns and habits of behavior. To let go of expectations and attachments. 

When we are in judgment, expectation, and we are attached to an outcome or how something has to be, it causes anger and frustration.

We limit ourselves by trying to control our situation, other people, outcomes, etc.  You can see plenty of examples of this in our world right now and probably in your daily life.

Neuroscience has shown most of our subconscious patterns, how we see ourselves in the world, and our beliefs are formed by the time we are seven years old. 

When I witness myself or other people in anger, I know the anger is showing us something that is ready to clear and a part of our inner child that is ready to heal.

When we are frustrated and angry, more than likely our seven year old self is running the show and wanting to be healed.

I can’t help but think how much our world would change for the better if we saw someone in anger and frustration and chose not to judge them.  Instead, we choose to see the inner child – the seven year old trying so hard to protect themselves.  

How much love and compassion could be assessed in that moment of changing our perspective? 

Just imagine if you practiced seeing the inner child that is protecting and unhealed when you or other people’s aggression, anger, or frustration come up.  How much more love would we all have for each other.

Don’t attach to what is not yours.  You have a choice here. I won’t tell you it’s an easy choice, but it is your choice.  To choose heart over fear, to love more than rage. To catch yourself in the middle of it or after, and take a moment to heal, send love, and detach.

Here are two steps to get you started in this process:

  1. When others are triggered by you, and/or you are triggered by others, look at their/your inner child that is triggered.  See the inner child in you or the other person that is protecting you or them.  Send that inner child love.  Send the other person love through their inner child, understanding that their inner child has a part of them that has not healed and is still protecting the adult.
  2. When you get triggered, put your hand on your heart and say to your inner child – “I love you.  It’s ok. I’ve got you now.  You are free. You are my creative voice.  I’ve got you now.  We are good.” 

You are more powerful than you know. You are full of light.  

It’s time to free the heart from its shield. 

You’ve got this!!

PS:  If you haven’t seen my Free Energy Masterclass: The Secret Obstacle: A 22-minute training to help you find the one block that has been holding you back.  Sign up Now