The Law of Cause and Effect is the 6th Law in a series of 7 Laws in creating abundance. Each law plays a vital role in your ability to sustain alignment and flow with what you are creating in your life. Creating the abundance you are looking for requires you to be in alignment and flow with what you want. There is so much more to it than the Law of Attraction.
In this 7-blog series, I have been going over one law with each blog. We are now on the second to last blog. I want to make sure you haven’t missed a law and that you have easy access to them if you did miss one. Let’s review: The first Law we talked about is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – energy is always flowing in and out of form. All there is, is change. In that blog, I talked about learning to adapt and flow with change. The second Law we talked about is the Law of Vibration – like vibrations attract one another. The Law of Attraction is a subset of this law. In this blog, I talked about your thoughts and how they impact your ability to create abundance. The third law is the Law of Relativity – all that exists, only exists through relationship or comparison to something. In that blog, I explored shifting your perspective and using this law in order to support yourself in creating abundance. The last blog I covered, is the Law of Polarity – everything has an opposite. I talked about the gifts in your challenges and experiences, and how the Law of Polarity can help you move forward and remain in the flow of abundance. The last blog was on the Law of Rhythm – there is a rhythm and flow to everything. Understanding the Law of Rhythm and playing within that rhythm is a very important skill to creating abundance.
Today let’s dive into the Law of Cause and Effect. The Law of Cause and Effect states that there is a cause to every effect you experience. This law is probably the one you are most familiar with. Have you ever heard the phrase “what you sow you will reap” or “what comes around goes around?” These are common phrases but they apply to the Law of Cause and Effect.
“Life is a perpetual instruction in cause and effect.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
The tricky part of this law is that you may be spending most of your time focused on the effect instead of the cause of a situation. 97% of the population earns 3% of the money in the world. Which means that 3% of the population is earning 97% of the money in the world. Crazy right…
This is because this Law is being used in reverse by 97% of the population. It’s easy to get caught up in the effect of something and try to fix that. In the case of money, the effect may be that you don’t have as much as you want to have or need to have. You then go to work to make more money or look for ways to cut expenses. This is addressing the effect, not the cause. Addressing the cause would be to look at why you don’t have the money you want or need.
Addressing the cause is a much stickier messy proposition. It’s a lot easier to address the effect. Digging into and identifying the cause is usually uncomfortable and involves addressing less tangible issues. Finding that cause and addressing that may mean you have to make some difficult decisions you may not want to make. It may also be mean facing facts that are extremely uncomfortable. It is also going to involve a lot of inner work, really looking at yourself and doing the work to grow. It is going to involve expanding and accepting full personal responsibility. This is not an easy task, but when addressed it can extremely fulfilling.
Doing the inner work makes having those difficult conversations or making the difficult decisions go much smoother than they might appear. You are more able to have them with confidence and grace finding a win-win outcome.
Here are a few tips to help you begin to play with the law of Cause and Effect:
- Curiosity – Ask why: When you are not getting the outcome you want, instead of just considering the effect – the result you are getting, ask why you are getting the result you are not wanting.
- Ask layering questions: It’s not always easy to recognize the cause immediately. It may take your being curious and asking why, several layers down. Why am I not making the money I want – Because I don’t earn enough money. Why am I not earning enough money? Because I haven’t asked for a raise or I’m not being paid for the value I am giving. Why have I not asked for a raise or raised my rates? This is where you are getting to the inner work. Many times, this boils down to mindset, belief, deserve level or just feeling worthy. This is where the real work begins.
- Take Action: Explore the inner work, have a difficult conversation or make the difficult decision. It won’t be easy, but addressing the cause and taking steps will help you move back into alignment and flow.
Pick one thing that you are not creating the abundance you want and experiment with the Law of Cause and Effect. Look at how the other 5 laws we have talked about might be impacted by this law. Make it fun and play with it. You got this!