So far, we have talked about creating a year of Ease, Grace and Flow along with Negotiating your Dreams. You have a dream. A big, bold, beautiful dream and it can be pretty scary. The dream is something you have never created before. It will require you to show up, stand out, and be seen. Because of this it feels uncomfortable, which may create an automatic trigger for you to avoid it. You may be feeling unsettled and wondering where the Ease, Grace and Flow come in.
This is the point where you may be doubting, negotiating, and finding a million other things to do except what is most important to bringing your dream into fruition. This is the place where you side step Ease, Grace and Flow. This is where you get into resistance.
How do you know when you are in resistance? You feel it. Your body feels it. It will show up as impatience, frustration, exhaustion, or any other number of things you do to take yourself out. Most importantly, it doesn’t feel good.
As you begin to create something new, different, or bigger than you ever have before, it will feel uncomfortable, but you can still experience Ease, Grace and Flow within the discomfort. This is a choice. A choice of how you will respond to feeling uncomfortable, fearful, or uncertain of the outcome. No one has a crystal ball (but wouldn’t that be nice). You don’t know if something is going to work or not. It’s uncertain, and your response to that will chart your course.
Resistance is a path that is chosen often. As long as you are in resistance, you don’t have to look at what is really going on. You don’t have to do the inner work to create the outer results. You don’t have to deal with being uncomfortable and taking a risk. On the other hand you won’t get to enjoy the thrill of charting a new course, along with the success and all the new choices that will come your way.
If you have been reading my blogs, I talk about the sweet spot. The sweet spot is being at the edge of the comfort zone where it is exciting and scary all at the same time. Here is the point of decision. Do you choose resistance (which is uncomfortable, too but you are familiar with it) or do you choose to take the steps to create Ease, Grace and Flow?
These 3 steps will help you transition from resistance to Ease, Grace and Flow:
1. Awareness – recognize when you are in resistance. How do you feel when you are in resistance? For myself, I feel it in my body. There is a tenseness that happens when I hear truth I don’t want to hear or I have to do something that is definitely on the edge of my comfort zone. How do you act when you are in resistance? My go to is avoidance and exhaustion. I have a million other things to do or I’m too tired to get it done now. Sound at all familiar? You probably already know exactly what resistance is to you, so call it out!
2. Trust – Step into trust. This is a key factor to creating Ease, Grace and Flow. Trusting the process, trusting the dream, trusting you and what you know, trusting the timing. Trust is a tricky one. You want to see results, you get impatient, it’s not happening when you want it to happen, so you begin pushing it, powering through to make it happen. This takes you out of trust and out of Ease, Grace and Flow. Being in trust means that even if it doesn’t happen the way you thought it “should” you stay the course, you pay attention to what is showing up around you. It may not be easy but there is Ease to the way you go about it. There is a presence of Grace. You stay focused on what you want and why you want it. You pay attention to what is showing up around you. Pretty soon the how shows up and you are in flow.
3. Joyful Play – This is essential to creating Ease, Grace and Flow. This may very well also be one of the hardest parts. Sounds easy but can be messy and sticky. Joyful Play feeds your soul. It fills you up and gives you energy. The key is learning what Joyful Play is to you, taking advantage of pockets of time to refuel with Joyful Play and giving yourself permission to be the priority. Joyful Play fills up your cup so that you feel full, revitalized and energized. This gives you the capacity to care, love, and nurture your relationships, to be creative, solve challenges, keep perspective, connect on a truer level. The result is your being less tired, resentful, and frustrated because you are in a state of Ease, Grace and Flow.
These three steps are not easy, but they will lead you on a journey to your wildest dreams!:)
As always, I would love to hear any comments or insights.
“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson