Success Equals Change – Are You Ready to Embrace It?


Do you ever avoid change? What I find is that many of us can expect change in one area of our life but may struggle with it in other areas of our lives. The thing is, if we want to grow our businesses, live more fully, and have a bigger impact, we can’t do it without change.

If you want more in your business and life than you currently have now, then something has to change.

The old saying “Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results is a form of insanity”. Well, that’s true. You’re really only going to get more of what you already have.

For you to create the business, income, impact, and life that you want, it is not only important but vital that you embrace change.

Embracing change can be scary. (The fear of the unknown, what impact the change will have on all your relationships, etc.) The one fear I see most around change is truly being seen. Which causes women to put a dimmer on their light.

The core question is what will happen to my life and relationships if I choose to fully step out in all of my glorious light and power and create the success I want? This unknown could change everything.

Yes, it is true that probably everything will change. But, why does that have to be a bad thing?

Human nature is funny; we tend to go to worse case scenario when we fear something. Yes, you may lose a few people in your life; yes, some may be jealous, but are these the people you really want in your life?

Or would you rather connect and surround yourself with people who celebrate your successes, tell you the truth, and encourage you to be as big and bold as you can be, that support you totally owning all that you are and all that you are capable of?

I don’t know about you, but the people I want around me will be honest, love me for me, have compassion, celebrate with me, and encourage me to play and shine brighter than ever before.

It is true that change is inevitable with success, but it also can be a really good thing!

If you are avoiding change or resisting change, you’re completely keeping yourself out of flow, opportunity and potential.  Here’s why.

We hear a lot about the Law of Attraction, but there is a less talked about law that is important to look at.

This law is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy. This law states that 99.999999…% of everything is energy. Energy is always transmuting in and out of form. Energy is always changing. Change is all there is. If you are resisting change, you are resisting this universal law.

Think about it.  If change is all there is, and energy is always moving and changing, it’s quite natural that things change.

So, what freaks you about change? Your perception and thoughts are freaking you out.

Look at it this way. If your thoughts are considered to be the most potent forms of energy moving through space and time, then your thoughts are extremely powerful.

When we are embracing change, our thoughts can cause us to grab onto opportunity. We get in the flow, keeping awareness around what is showing up for us and trusting all is on the right path.

If we don’t, we get stuck in resistance and miss what’s coming. Which in itself is change.

So, I want to invite you to really look at how you feel about change. This year is your year to have a huge impact. I also know that many of you, like myself, are driven by something bigger then you, that is always pulling you to more.

As you have a greater impact, more success in your business, happiness, and a life aligned, there are going to be changes.

Here are a few steps to help you get started with embracing change:

  1. “What you think about, you bring about.” – We can’t monitor all of our thoughts. We have between 50,000 – 70,000 thoughts a day. What you can do is monitor how you feel. If you feel yourself in resistance or you don’t feel good, your sad, frustrated, fearful etc. then check in. When you are in the place of not feeling good, it’s time to check in with what are you thinking about. Don’t judge it but notice it.
  2. Change the vibration of your thoughts. – Catch what you are thinking about. Chances are, you won’t be thinking about what you want to create and where you are going. Many times when I catch myself, I’m a bit lost in what is not happening or focusing on the worst-case scenario. This is the time to change that thought. Spend a minute or two and think about what positive things can happen. Why would you want to embrace the change that is before you? Dream a little here.
  3. Get into appreciation. – The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of energy means you can transform your energy and thoughts from a low vibration to high vibration. When our thoughts are at a high vibration, we are happy, excited and feeling great. One of the quickest ways I have found to stop a spiral of negative low vibration thoughts into higher vibration thoughts, is to get into appreciation. Taking a few moments to look around and think about all the things you appreciate around you, starting small and building from there is powerful. You will find that all of sudden you start felling better and better. Then, you will be in a much better space to embrace the change before you.
  4. Curiosity – Look at approaching change with curiosity. This is one of my favorite places to be. It takes us out of judgment and we can begin to see other possibilities. It wakes up the “what if” question. What if this thing really works? What if I meet some of the most fantastic connections and people? What if… So many possibilities around you – get curious about them.
  5. “It is what it is.” – This is one of my favorite sayings. In fact, my husband bought me a plaque that says this, and it hangs above my stove. You don’t go around fighting the Law of Gravity, do you? I would guess you don’t even think about it. What would it be like if you just accepted the fact that change is all there is? This Law is neither good or bad, it just is what it is. Make a game out it and see how fun you can make change.

I’m one who grew up hating change. I like structure. I like knowing what to expect. I like knowing what is going to happen next but ultimately this leads to a normal boring life.

You are not normal! You are extraordinary! Change makes life extraordinary. Move into change with an attitude of curiosity trusting that what is around the next corner is as it should be.

“There is no dimmer on your light here. Let your light shine bright – blindingly bright so everyone around is lit up to their own possibilities.”

~Lauri Rubinstein

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