Do You Have What You Need to Succeed?


Does your business excite you? Are you on fire with the mission and purpose of your business, your life, and what you are creating?

If you just read that statement and hesitated or thought, “I wish”, then let’s talk about that.

Sometimes, you may be in a place where challenges come up that you don’t know how to solve.

Other times, it may be that you just don’t know what you need to move ahead and grow your business. It may also be that you have grown a successful business, but it is not aligned with the life you want to live.

The good news is that there is a solution to all of these.

Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

— Winston S. Churchill

This year, I am committed to providing all of you high value content that is easy to implement and gets results. As you are taking the time to read my blogs, I want you to get a lot of value out of that time spent.

I would love your help in making sure that I am delivering the kind of content that will make the biggest difference to you.

Please answer the 5 quick questions that follow. This will help myself and my team make sure you are getting exactly what you need for your business.

Then continue reading for 3 tips to make sure your goals are winnable.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help us support you best! It is appreciated!

Now that we are 1 month into the New Year, are you on track with your 1st quarter goals? If you are, congrats! If you are a little off, here are 3 steps to make sure you are set with winnable goals:

  1. Look at your calendar and figure out all the non-negotiable commitments with family, children, self-care, etc., any non-business commitments. Then be honest with yourself and look at how much time you really do have for your business.
  2. Review your first quarter goals. Look at how much time you are really going to need to make those happen. Compare the hours needed with the hours you have.
  3. Adjust if needed. If your hours needed and the hours you have to devote to your business match up, then no adjustment is needed. But if they don’t, then look at adjusting the timeline of your goal or look to find more time if you don’t have the time needed for your goals. This is usually what most of my clients find. One way you may sabotage yourself, is setting a goals in a time frame that you actually don’t have enough time to make your goals happen. Check in and adjust your goals accordingly.

On the other hand, in rare cases you may find you have more time then your goal is going to take. If this is your case, then think about challenging yourself a little more. Playing it safe will never feel as good as challenging yourself a little more and making it happen. You got this!

Every quarter, go through this exercise to make sure you are setting yourself up to win.

If at any point in the quarter you find you’re not tracking what you wanted to accomplish, check in again. If it’s not a time thing, then you may just need some more training or to clear a limiting belief or a subconscious pattern that is keeping you blocked.

Make this your breakout year!

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