Are You Taking Care of Yourself Enough to be Successful?


How are you doing so far? It’s the end of January. Are you still taking care of yourself? I know that we set some great goals for our businesses, and we might have set some for our bodies. But are you really taking enough care of yourself?

Do you have the vitality, energy, attitude, and mindset to accomplish what you want to accomplish this year?

It’s not just about your business goals and all the amazing things you want to accomplish. It’s also not just about all the customers and clients you’ll be able to serve. You must have the health, vitality, and energy to make your goals and dreams a reality.

Self-Care and Your Business

If you’re skimping on self-care, then you are going to run out of gas! You know you’re out of gas when you start getting short or angry with people. You’re a little more impatient then you usually are. You feel tired and drained.

When you get to this point, your creativity is drained. Your ability to be flexible, hear feedback, and pivot gets harder. When these signs show up its time for some self-care. Be gentle with yourself, and ask yourself what you need right now.

I know. I hear you, I just don’t have time right now, and I’ll get to it.  I hear you because I have said it to myself. The thing is, if you don’t get to it you never will.  If you never get to it, you won’t have anything left to give.

I know that usually self-care, exercise, personal time, and socializing are the first to go when you get busy. Why is that?  Maybe because you grew up hearing and thinking, “Don’t be so selfish!” Or, “Think about someone else.”

Put Your Air Mask on First

I know as a mom and wife, my initial thought is, I’ve got to get them taken care of first. Then I have to stop and think about the airplane analogy – Put your air mask on first, then your children’s. You won’t be any good to anyone if you’re out of gas (or passed out because you can’t breathe).

I’m not saying it’s easy to start putting yourself first. But putting yourself first with a little selfishness in the self care, can be extremely beneficial! You will have the energy and vitality to really be in the moment with your business. People want to be around and work with people who have vitality and energy.  You’ll be more creative and flexible. You’ll have more patience and compassion because you are giving it to yourself.

I would hear Mary Kay Ash say, “You can’t give away what you don’t have.” When you are caring for yourself as a priority and loving yourself, that will pass on to everyone around you. You’ll feel more relaxed and happier.

Here are a few simple steps to get you started:

  1. Create a morning ritual. This can be 10, 20, 30 minutes or more depending on how much time you have. This is quiet time just for you. I know that when I get up just 15 minutes earlier, I am not so rushed. A few minutes in the morning to myself makes all the difference in the world.
  1. Move! Get your body moving. It does so much for you when you get moving. Exercising for 20, 30, or 60 minutes will provide many benefits, not to mention you will feel so good! Pick an amount of time that works for you, and do it during a time that will support you. I do it in the morning before my kids get up. If I tell myself I’ll do it later in the day, I’m just setting myself up to fail.  I know that exercising in the morning sets me up for success!
  1. Fill yourself up with something positive every day. We all spend at least 15 minutes to an hour in the bathroom getting ready every morning. Use that time to set the tone for your day. Listen to something inspirational. You may love listening to wonderful podcasts, music, or inspirational stories. I have a ritual I love of listening to something great every morning. This is self-care for the mind.
  1. Take time to breathe. I know this may sound silly, but if you’re like I am, you can really get going on something, and it’s full steam ahead. Take a moment a few times a day, and take a couple full deep breaths. There is something so centering and grounding when you consciously take a moment to breathe.
  1. Celebrate You. Every client meeting I have, we start out with celebrations. It’s important to celebrate the small wins along with the big ones. Find ways to celebrate you everyday. Show love to yourself by paying attention to what you have accomplished that day (even if it’s just, “I got out of bed today”).
  1. End your day in appreciation. Before you go to bed, take a few moments of quiet time to wind down and find three or four things you can really appreciate that you have in your life. Sometimes, we have one of those days, but when you end it in appreciation, you set the stage for a better tomorrow.

These are just a few tips. If you have a wonderful self-care tip that you use, I would love you to share it in the comments so we can all benefit from it!