Is Failure An Option?


Are you totally afraid of failure?

Is it okay to fail? I want to propose that you allow failure to be an option for you. When I tell this to the women in my network marketing business and my coaching clients, I always get the response “what”?

What happens when things don’t turn out like you want them to turn out?  Do you quit, get upset, or look at the failure as important information.  Are you able to pivot?  I find that what you do really depends on your mindset going in.  What do you believe about what you’re doing?  Why are you even doing it?

These are two questions you really want to ask yourself when you are building your own business.  The great news is that you are your own boss; the bad news is that you are your own boss. So, when the going gets tough, and you aren’t getting the results you want, it’s really important to know what you believe about what you are doing, and why you are doing it.  This will give you the motivation, drive, and courage to keep on going.

When you are building your own business, your success starts from within first.  

Always.  What you think about you bring about.  What you think about, and how you see failure are two very important elements of your mindset.  Your thoughts drive your emotions and your actions.  If you are always trying to avoid failure or only taking action on what you know will work, you will play small and tend to underestimate what you really can accomplish.  This is taking the safe route.  The safe route never ends in great.

On the other hand, if you think everything has to be perfect, you will stay in this never ending loop of getting ready to get ready and never get to go.  I see this happen a lot.  This will absolutely wear you out, and the results will be slow to come if at all.

Leaving the option open to fail allows you to take action, move forward, and play big.  It allows the magic of sitting on the edge of your comfort zone to really come alive.  

When failure is an option, you can experiment.  You can try things that you don’t really know if they are going to work or not.  Sometimes these experiments work beautifully, and sometimes they don’t. They fail.  When they fail, we get valuable information about what we need to pivot, and we get closer to what will really work for us.

There are a couple of components that are really important in allowing yourself to hang out on the edge of your comfort zone, and let failure be an option.  The first is to know what you believe about what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it.

I love to teach people how to talk about what they do, communicate with the people they want to work with, and grow their customer and client base.  Okay, so this means you communicate in a way that allows you to sell your service, product, or opportunity. Yep, I said it. “Sell,” that ugly word we don’t like to use.  But, here is what I believe.  

When you master the skill of sales, you can create Freedom in your life.  Think about it, nothing happens until something’s sold.  I use to hear Mary Kay say this all the time, and it’s true. Nothing does happen until something’s sold.

My why is attached to that freedom.  I want freedom in my life to choose, to be, do and have the things I want to accomplish.  I also want to have an impact with helping other women create that freedom in their lives.  Knowing this gives me the courage to hang out there and sometimes fail. I have the conviction behind what I want to accomplish, and I’m willing to fail in order to have the life I want.

When you’re on the edge of your comfort zone experimenting, you never know if your ideas are going to work until you give it a try. Knowing what you believe and why you’re building the business you have chosen to build, will allow you to keep moving forward with your experiments.  

When an experiment works, and you get great results – fantastic! Take note and build upon what works so you get better and better results.

When an experiment fails – Fantastic! You now know what doesn’t work, you’re one step closer to discovering what is going to work better for you.

This is the only way you grow and continue to build a business that quite possibly could end up being more successful than you ever imagined. 

I speak from experience.  The experience of failing probably more then I’ve succeeded. But it has allowed me to have the freedom to set my own schedule, live where I want to live, and make the choices that are right for myself and my family.

I believe in you.  I know if you really get connected to why you started your business and what you believe, and if you allow yourself to fail at times, you’ll create the life you dream about!