Active Listening – The Most Important Communication Skill

Other Cool Stuff

Are you waiting to make those follow-up calls to the leads that are sitting on your desk staring at you because you don’t know exactly what to say?

What if I told you there is a skill more important then what you actually say to them?

Would you believe me?

What skill would that be, you may ask?

What if I told you “active listening?”

Active Listening may be one of the most important skills to communication, relationships, leadership, and getting new clients and customers.

I was once told, “you have two ears and one mouth for a reason – you’re supposed to listen twice as much as you talk”.

When you are talking to a future new client or customer you don’t have to say the perfect thing as long as it’s sincere, honest, and direct. What’s most important is that the person you are talking to feels heard.

We are all more alike then we are different.  We all want to belong, we want people to like us, and we want to be seen and feel heard.

When we feel heard it feels like, warm sun shining on our faces.  There is something so heart warming when you are talking to someone who really hears what you are saying and understands you. They get what your challenges are or what you really want.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone, and they just don’t hear you? You’re talking to them, and you can tell their not listening, there either formulating their response or they’re just checked out.  It’s such a deflating feeling.

If you’re talking to someone who you want to work with, and you don’t really listen and they don’t feel heard, you won’t get off first base. You’ll never get to make an offer because they aren’t going to like or trust you.

Remember they buy you first.  They don’t care about what you have to offer until they know just how much you care. The best way to show them you care is to actively listen to them.

Active listening is when you are fully focused on what someone is saying, and you’re NOT formulating your response back.

You really hear what concerns the person you’re talking to has, their needs, challenges, and what they really want.  You can ask powerful questions back that tell the person you want to work with that you really heard them.  You get what they are saying.

This rapidly increases your connection with your future customer or client.  Don’t underestimate the power of someone you’re talking to feeling heard.

When you actively listen to someone you hear the little nuances that give you clues to what someone really wants or is really challenged with.  You’ll hear what they need.

When you know this, you can determine if your service, product or opportunity can be a solution for them.

When you can show people how you can solve their challenge or help them get what they want – you are the solution – you dramatically increase the number of times you’ll hear “Yes, I want to work with you!”

This is the fastest way to add new clients and customers to your business.  Pick up the phone and talk with someone person-to-person, and have a simple conversation.

Actively listen to the person you want to do business with, and establish a relationship.  You can’t do that over a text, email, or social media.

It’s simple: pick up the phone and actively listen.

You build a successful business one person at a time.

Happy active listening!